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IDN School NodeJS Client

Welcome to the IDN school client NodeJS documentation. This module is designed for schools and universities to integrate InfraDigital payment services directly into existing SIA platforms. You can view code examples in the dark area to the right

For support with integration please contact your IDN representative at any time.

Adding to your project

// Javascript may use the IDN School Client NodeJS module
npm install --save idn_schools_client

//Then in your application require the module
let idn = require('idn_schools_client');

//To initialise the module
      user : "USER",
      pass : "PASSWORD",
      env  : "test" //Set as "production" for production

Remember to replace USER and PASSWORD with the username and password given to you by IDN Support

You can install the module from NPM under the package name idn_schools_clients.

Uploading Bills

Upload a single Bill

//Define our bill
let bill = {
  nis  : "1234",
  name : "School A",
  phone : "081808039547",
  email : "",
  bill_account : "MANDIRI",
  bill_description : "Invoice May",
  bill_active_date : "20181001", //YYYYMMDD
  bill_expiry_date : "20181001", //YYYYMMDD
  bill_due_date : "20180515", //YYYYMMDD
  bill_amount : 3000000,
  bill_penalty : 300000

//Create it
idn.createBill(bill, function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

In order to create a bill we can use the handy create function. This function will automatically add the bill to the correct student if the NIS given allready exists, or create a student to associate with the bill if not.

API Call

idn.createBill(bill, callback)

BILL Object

Parameter Mandetory Description
nis true Student NIS
name true Student Name
phone false Student Phone Number
email false Student Email Address
bill_account true Account Code (destination of funds)
bill_description true A description of the bill, eg "SPP Bulan Mei"
bill_expiry_date true Student Name
bill_due_date true Student Name
bill_active_date false The date upon which this bill becomes active
bill_amount true The amount of the bill in rupiah
bill_penalty false The penalty applied if the bill is paid after the due date

Querying a Students Bills

Query all bills

let nis = "1234";

idn.getStudentBills(nis, function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

//Response is an array of bills
[ { biller_name: 'SD Taman Ilmu',
 biller_code: '10014',
 merchant_name: null,
 merchant_code: null,
 bill_name: 'Wulandari Sulistyo',
 bill_key: '60001005',
 bill_description: null,
 phone: '0081808039547',
 email: '',
 state: 'deleted',
 bill_component_id: 'bf12614e-6930-4c09-8b70-31864211a0e1',
 bill_component_name: 'SPP',
 bill_ref_number: null,
 bill_date: '2017-11-28T08:23:00.244633Z',
 due_date: '2017-12-20T00:00:00Z',
 expiry_date: '2017-12-20T00:00:00Z',
 payment_date: null,
 active_date: null,
 amount: 455000,
 penalty_amount: null,
 amount_paid: null,
 amount_currency: 'IDR',
 admin_fee: null,
 merchant_ref_number: null,
 notes: null,
 batch_id: ' | 28 11 2017 01:11',
 biller_account_name: null,
 biller_account_code: null,
 biller_bank_name: null,
 biller_bank_account_number: null,
 biller_bank_account_code: null,
 last_updated: '2018-01-18T01:00:00.060343Z' } ... ] }

This function returns the array of bills associated with the student. It includes bills that are PAID, PROVISIONED (unpaid) & EXPIRED.

API Call

idn.getStudentBills(nis, callback)

Query PAID bills

let nis = "1234";

idn.getStudentPaidBills(nis, function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

//Response is an array of bills
[ { biller_name: 'SD Taman Ilmu',
 biller_code: '10014',
 merchant_name: null,
 biller_bank_account_code: null,
 last_updated: '2018-01-18T01:00:00.060343Z' } ... ] }

This function returns the array of bills associated with the student. It only includes bills that are PAID.

API Call

idn.getStudentPaidBills(nis, callback)

Query UNPAID bills

let nis = "1234";

idn.getStudentUnpaidBills(nis, function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

//Response is an array of bills
[ { biller_name: 'SD Taman Ilmu',
 biller_code: '10014',
 merchant_name: null,
 biller_bank_account_code: null,
 last_updated: '2018-01-18T01:00:00.060343Z' } ... ] }

This function returns the array of bills associated with the student. It only includes bills that are UNPAID.

API Call

idn.getStudentUnpaidBills(nis, callback)

Query EXPIRED bills

let nis = "1234";

idn.getStudentExpiredBills(nis, function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

//Response is an array of bills
[ { biller_name: 'SD Taman Ilmu',
 biller_code: '10014',
 merchant_name: null,
 biller_bank_account_code: null,
 last_updated: '2018-01-18T01:00:00.060343Z' } ... ] }

This function returns the array of bills associated with the student. It only includes bills that are EXPIRED, ie expired without being paid.

API Call

idn.getStudentExpiredBills(nis, callback)

Querying a Schools Bills

Query all bills

idn.getAllBills(function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

//Response is an array of bills
[ { biller_name: 'SD Taman Ilmu',
 biller_code: '10014',
 merchant_name: null,
 biller_bank_account_code: null,
 last_updated: '2018-01-18T01:00:00.060343Z' } ... ] }

This function returns the array of bills within a school.

API Call


Query all PAID bills

idn.getAllPaidBills(function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

//Response is an array of bills
[ { biller_name: 'SD Taman Ilmu',
 biller_code: '10014',
 merchant_name: null,
 biller_bank_account_code: null,
 last_updated: '2018-01-18T01:00:00.060343Z' } ... ] }

This function returns the array of PAID bills within a school.

API Call


Query PAID bills by Date

let date = "20180222"  //Format YYYYMMDD

idn.getAllPaidBillsByDate(date, function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

//Response is an array of bills
[ { biller_name: 'SD Taman Ilmu',
 biller_code: '10014',
 merchant_name: null,
 biller_bank_account_code: null,
 last_updated: '2018-01-18T01:00:00.060343Z' } ... ] }

This function returns the array of PAID bills within a school for that particular date.

API Call

idn.getAllPaidBillsByDate(date, callback)

Query all UNPAID bills

idn.getAllOutstandingBills(function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

//Response is an array of bills
[ { biller_name: 'SD Taman Ilmu',
 biller_code: '10014',
 merchant_name: null,
 biller_bank_account_code: null,
 last_updated: '2018-01-18T01:00:00.060343Z' } ... ] }

This function returns the array of UNPAID bills within a school.

API Call


Query UNPAID bills by Date

let date = "20180222"  //Format YYYYMMDD

idn.getAllOutstandingBillsByDate(date, function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

//Response is an array of bills
[ { biller_name: 'SD Taman Ilmu',
 biller_code: '10014',
 merchant_name: null,
 biller_bank_account_code: null,
 last_updated: '2018-01-18T01:00:00.060343Z' } ... ] }

This function returns the array of UNPAID (provisioned) bills within a school.

API Call

idn.getAllOutstandingBillsByDate(date, callback)

Searching Bills

Search bills

let data = {
  state: "paid",
  limit: "100",
  offset: "50"

idn.searchBills(date, function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

//Response is an array of bills
[ { biller_name: 'SD Taman Ilmu',
 biller_code: '10014',
 merchant_name: null,
 biller_bank_account_code: null,
 last_updated: '2018-01-18T01:00:00.060343Z' } ... ] }

This function allows you to make complex searches on bills within a school using a number of variables.

API Call

idn.searchBills(data, callback)


Get Student by NIS

let nis = "1234"

idn.getStudent(nis, function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

//Response is student object
{ name: 'School A',
  bill_key_name: null,
  bill_key_value: '1234',
  phone: '081808039547',
  email: '',
  description: '' }

This function allows you to query a student by NIS.

API Call

idn.getStudent(data, callback)

Get all Students

let nis = "1234"

idn.getAllStudents(function(error, result){
  if(error) console.log(error);
  else console.log(result);

//Response is an array of student objects
 { name: 'School A',
    bill_key_name: null,
    bill_key_value: '1234',
    phone: '081808039547',
    email: '',
    description: '' }

This function allows you to query a student by NIS.

API Call

idn.getStudent(data, callback)

Data Options

Parameter Mandetory Description
bill_key false Student NIS
state false "provisioned", "expired" or "paid"
account_code false Account Code (destination of funds)
start_payment_date false Bills that were paid after this date (YYYYMMDD)
end_payment_date false Bills that were paid before this date (YYYYMMDD)
start_due_date false Bills that are due after this date (YYYYMMDD)
end_due_date false Bills that are due before this date (YYYYMMDD)
offset false Offset of results (for pagination)
limit false Limit on number of results, default = 50

Status Codes

The following status codes may be encountered

Status Code Meaning
200 Succesfully Requested
201 Succesfully Created
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized -- Please check your authorisation
403 Forbidden -- Please check your authorisation
404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found
406 Not Acceptable -- Please check your JSON format
500 Internal Server Error -- Please contact IDN Support
503 Service Unavailable -- Please contact IDN Support